The Perks of Travel Nursing in United States

The Perks of Travel Nursing in United States The origination of Travel Nursing in United States Crest Premier Staffing dates back to the 70s due to a scarcity of healthcare professionals for immediate medical needs. Typically travel nurses are assumed to hold a Registered Nurse license from the Board of Nursing but travel nursing is a blanket term which also refers to Certified Medical Assistants, Physicians, Director of Nursing and allied healthcare professionals. They are confined by State laws in order to obtain licensure. To practice as a travel nurse in USA, a proof of right to work in the States is the prerequisite. They are generally employed indirectly through a staffing agency instead of the facility. Imperative needs of medical facilities for the skilled attendants have tremendously emerged booming benefits for travel nurses. With concern to filling the holes of staffing needs caused by unplanned leaves and wavering population, the call for Travel Nurses comes in!
The perks of Travel Nursing in USA are immeasurable and it is of no doubt why a majority of nurses are looking out for travel assignments rather than the local ones. In general, travel nurses’ salaries are more than local nurses. For instance, a Registered Nurse in Ohio earns between $30 to $35 per hour whereas the same Registered nurse on a travel contract in Virginia Nursing jobs in USA can make between $70-$75. Similarly, a Certified Nursing Assistant in Virginia can make between $14-18 per hour while the same CNA travelling to North Carolina can earn $1200 weekly. Variable factors like travel expenses, cost of living in the place of contract, food, transportation etc. are taken into consideration while determining the pay rate offered to a travel nurse. For instance, destinations having pleasing city life tend to be more appealing than a bland and monotonous place. For some people, it may be strangling to be in the same workplace over the years. For them, a job that requires travel to explore new horizons is the ultimate deal. With a month or two’s stay at a different place may not only give their career a flexibility, but an enhanced professional growth with exposure to diverse environments. Mostly, the contract lengths between 6-12 weeks and are often given extensions depending on the healthcare necessities of hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities and clinics. The years of experience required to be a travel nurse may range from 0-1 substantially. However, some agencies are open to freshmen on the basis of their expertise.
A large part of travel nurses in United States tends to engage with a staffing agency which takes full care of their travel, accommodation and insurance, leave and vacations. A number of Nurse Staffing Agencies in USA oversee the benefits expected by their employee and offer loyalty rewards and referral bonuses. From helping them find an accommodation to walking them through their tax compliance, all sort of support is dealt with. There is a competitive market of the Nursing Staffing Agencies in USA Nursing jobs in USA who are in the constant need of hiring the travel nurses to satiate the demands by the hospitals and nursing homes. The systematic plan of benefits of travel nursing offered by staffing agencies are put together considering the existent cut-throat competition in the healthcare recruitment industry. They are responsible for paying the travel nurses, and in turn, the hospitals pay them. A gradual surge is recognized in the Nursing Recruiting Agencies across USA. Usually nurses look out for staffing agencies near them which promises uncovering prospective job opportunities and a combination of benefits of overall pay, work-life balance, customer service and client facilities.
One of the leading Healthcare Staffing Agencies in North Carolina, Crest Premier Staffing Crest Premier Staffing aims to provide optimum healthcare solutions to its employees across 20 states. It employs Certified Nursing Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Medication Aides, Medical Assistants and Directors of Nursing and provided travel opportunities for all types and substantial number of perks to its employees like generous pay, accommodation stipend, medical insurance and travel assistance.
Crest Premier Staffing is one of the fastest, trustworthy and employee friendly Healthcare Nursing Agency from Charlotte, North Carolina which has tieup with major healthcare facilities as client and are constantly looking for quality nursing staff in locations North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), Georgia (GA), Virginia (VA), Florida (FL), Ohio (OH), Michigan (MI) and Texas (TX)
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Address: Crest Premier Staffing, 401 Hawthorne lane STE 110 – 117 Charlotte, NC 28204